Amulets for money and luck attract financial happiness in all its manifestations. After starting to use the mascot, a person suddenly receives an invitation to a high-paying job, begins to spend money more economically. "Accidentally" goes to profitable sales and promotions. Debts and loans pay off faster. Companies have more customers. It is not recommended to tell other people about amulets and how they work.
Rituals with different containers to attract money
You can make special mascots with the help of a jug, a house and a box to attract financial flow into your life.
One of the most effective amulets for attracting wealth is a jug of money. To make a mascot, you will need a square-shaped glass container with a tight-fitting lid. You also need to have a little writing paper in advance, seven coins of different denominations and a dried bay leaf.
- Write the required amount of money on a piece of paper and place it on the bottom.
- You take 7 coins in your right hand and drop them one by one into the jar. At the same time, visualize how coins are the basis of future wealth, gradually attracting more and more money.
- At the same time, a spell is read: "Brilliant coins, cheerfully ring. More and more of them on me. When I don't wait, I get income. The money flows into my account.
- Write your name on the back of a piece of paper and place it in the jar.
- A bay leaf is placed on the banknote.
- Then screw the lid tight.
- The bank is hidden in a secluded place.
Put a few coins in the jar every day. This nourishes the amulet with the energy of money. At the same time it is recommended to start saving money for the desired object. If you want to be lucky, you need to open a jar, take out a sheet of paper and bury it in the ground or in a pot with a houseplant.
house for money
To make this mascot for money and happiness, you will need a box or a ready-made toy house. You can buy special paper in the store or you can buy special paper for that. You can buy a special paper with the image of money in the store and glue it to the walls of the house.
If you take a box, you will make a window and a door in it, and for the money you will install small furniture. When the "apartments" are ready, they must be inhabited by "residents". For this, banknotes and coins of different denominations are accepted. They are placed inside the house.
Prompt! You can buy a small magnet for the amulet. The word "money" is inscribed on it with gold lacquer. Then a coin is carefully glued to the surface. Such a magnet should be placed in the center of the house. When the construction of the house was completed, the words above it: "Dear and beloved money, I invite you to my house. I'm waiting for you, bring millions of friends.
For the money received, you must spend at least one night in this magical apartment. Jewelry and diamonds can also be placed in the money house. This design will serve well as a piggy bank. It is also necessary to keep the mascot clean and tidy, because money does not like clutter. Adherents of the teachings of Feng Shui can place it in the southeastern area of the apartment (responsible for prosperity). When guests arrive, it should be hidden from prying eyes.
piggy bank
This amulet allows you to attract money and increase the available financial resources several times. To do this, you need to have a beautiful box. Money is placed in it at a certain time of the day (each time the same). On the first day of the month we set aside a certain amount: on the first day - 1 coin, on the second day - 2 coins, etc.
Visualize the arrival of wealth. Not a day can be missed. If this happens, the ritual is repeated the following month. In the end, all the money is exchanged for a large banknote. This banknote is also used as an amulet to attract wealth.
Talismans with coins and banknotes
Amulets made of coins and banknotes will be no less effective in attracting money.
fiat coin
The ritual is performed on the rising moon, and the ritual is performed on the rising moon. The ritual is performed during the rising moon. It is good to meditate or pray before partaking of the sacrament.
- First you need to light a candle and drop a few drops of melted wax on the surface of the coin to form a thick layer.
- The coin is then held in the hand and the words of the spell are pronounced: "Do not give, do not give, do not change. Please bring me money of happiness, fill my wallet to the brim with money. "
- Put the coins in a small bag and then in a wallet pocket where the amulet will not come into contact with other money. It should not be lost. If you lose the amulet, you can lose happiness itself.
Horde amulet
The amulet was made for the rising moon. In addition to the coin, you will need three green candles for the ritual, as well as a string or string of medium thickness.
The order of the ritual:
- If you want to have a big and strong love circle, you have to have a big and strong love circle. The coin must be placed in its center.
- The ritual begins with a meditative contemplation of the coin. Looking at it, one has to imagine what experiences rich and rich people can have.
- The words of the spell are then uttered seven times: "The fire of a candle is like the rays of the sun. The candle shines with gold, attracts money. If you have a big heart, you will have a big heart. and a great hand, and then you will have a great heart. The mascot is with me, my pocket is not empty. Amen. "
- When the candle burns, burn the end of the cord in the flame of one of the candles.
- The coin is then tied with thread. At the same time, the words: "I will tie the rope, I will attract money.
- The talisman must lie between the candles all night (they can be extinguished). The next morning the amulet is considered ready.
imperial amulet
To make an imperial amulet with your own hands, you will need an old coin. The best option is the persecution of royal times. But if such a rarity is not found, you can use any coin from pre-revolutionary times.
The amulet is recommended to be made on a full moon:
- For starters, it's worth focusing on the positive aspects of life, financial well-being.
- The coin must then be tied twice with red thread. To do this, you must ask for wealth from the Higher Powers.
- The amulet is placed on a red cloth so that the moonlight falls on it.
- Before going to bed, wrap the mascot in a towel and place it under your pillow. If a person does not have a mascot, be sure to use it in the form of a mascot.
The imperial amulet must be carried in a bag. It is forbidden to talk about other people's amulets. This will deprive the mascot of its power.
luck account
To make a strong amulet for money from a banknote, you need to find your "lucky" banknote. To do this, pay attention to the amount of money and the letters that are printed on the banknote. man and his initials, the more powerful the mascot will be.
The numbers can be arranged randomly, but the best solution is a complete match. In this case, the amulet brings the greatest benefit to its owner. To load the amulet, wait until Friday or Sunday during the waxing moon period:
- Write a wish list on a piece of paper.
- A banknote of happiness is placed on the leaf, and six ordinary (not from the temple) candles are lit around it.
- While the candles are burning, you need to mentally visualize your desires, making them as clear as possible.
- Then wait until all the candles are burning.
- Wrap a sheet of congratulatory paper and a lucky card in a new towel and place it in a secluded place for a month.
- After 30 days, the banknote is placed in a wallet and carried as a personal financial mascot.
banknote with cipher
An annoying banknote can be charged in another way. To do this, also make a note in which the code and code at least partially correspond to your date of birth and surname. With its use the following ritual is performed:
- The note should be carefully wiped with a stick dipped in bergamot oil.
- Wrap the banknote in a test tube.
- Tie it with a green ribbon.
- Seal both sides with green wax (plain green wax can be used).
Carry this mascot in your bag. It is not recommended to show it to other people.
Runic symbols to attract wealth
Runes are the most powerful magical way to attract wealth. Used for financial purposes:
- Rune Fehu is the main symbol of property, material security.
- Kenaz - attracts happiness in life, helps a person to discover their creative abilities and achieve their goals.
- Vunyo is a magical sign that increases income and brings joy.
As an amulet you can wear not only images of runes. Ancient signs can be represented mentally. For example, imagine a rune over a glass of water and then quench your thirst. Or buy a green candle, scratch one of the runes on the surface and light it, visualizing wealth.
Loading the key with runes
The key is considered one of the symbols of prosperity. It can also be charged with monetary energy through runes. The charging ritual is performed on the day of the rising moon. To do it:
- During the full moon, draw the upper runes on a piece of paper.
- Then place the key on the picture so that the moonlight falls on it. The key must be on the runes all night.
- In the morning the amulet is ready for use.
- The key is worn around the neck or in a pocket.
Other images of runes to increase income
There are other runes that attract wealth. The Otal-Fehu-Yer runic combination is used to increase profits and material wealth. The Fehu-Otal-Berkana-Soulo formula is used for stable capital growth. And the Berkana-Otal-Fehu combination is also used to attract customers to the business.
In addition to the aforementioned Fehu rune, these symbols mean the following:
- Otal is a sign of ownership, which in combination with the rune Fehu works for great profit.
- Yer - that is, harvesting and receiving a worthy reward. It is used in cases where the financial goal is realistically achievable.
- Berkana is a symbol of fertility (the rune of the Great Mother), it helps to transfer the intention from the spiritual to the material plane.
- Soulo - means strength of will, deserved victory, success.
Images of runes are attached to a bank card, loan agreement or deposit. They can be placed in a wallet with the explicit intention to fill it.
Using threads
To attract money and luck, you can use ordinary threads.
Cord for attracting money
To make this useful amulet, you will need green thread. You can weave a thread of colored threads. In this case, the mascot will attract both wealth and luck in everything. The color of the thread depends on the functions of the bracelet:
- Son - helps you achieve your goals.
- Green - attracts money.
- Red - brings good luck in love affairs.
- Yellow - symbolizes good health.
As you braid your hair, imagine a pleasant change in your finances: a salary increase, a lottery win, a good job, or a great legacy. Those who have difficulty visualizing can simply say out loud what they want. A braid is placed on the ankle of the left foot. When all dreams come true, the talisman must be burned, thus thanking the universe.
money ball
The amulet is made during the rising moon. It's easy to make at home. You will need a ball of red woolen thread and yellow coins. Ritual:
- Take the thread and start carefully wrapping the coins around it.
- Place one coin at a time so that there is a round ball with coins in the middle at the end.
- Tie the end of the thread 5 knots.
If you have a problem, you need to decide how to use the magic potion. He must stay there until the full moon. The ball is then considered charged with lunar energy. The mascot is hidden in a secluded place. When the financial situation improves, the coins are unwound and distributed to the poor. Threads can be used for knitting socks or other things. This will bring good luck.
A bag of herbs
A bag of magic herbs attracts finance for work or office space. Make your own amulet step by step:
- Take a small jar, bag or other container.
- If you want to make a mascot, put it in a small jar, purse or other container.
- Herbs need to be crushed, visualizing the company's financial well-being and prosperity.
- Once the plants are powdered, place them in a jar or bag.
- The mascot is tied with a green ribbon.
The amulet should be stored in the study for one year. After 12 months you can burn it and make a new one.
Vale spades for luck in the games
This mascot is traditionally used to attract big profits and luck in gambling. To create an amulet, buy a new deck of cards. From there comes the jack of spades. On the glossy side of the card, write the amount you want to win. The scream fits in a bag. Two or three grains of black pepper should be added to it. The mascot must be kept with you during the game or bet.
Animal figurines for luck and wealth
Animal figurines are a proven talisman for attracting money and wealth. They also perform a protective function, protecting against jealousy and the evil eye. The meaning of numbers:
- Three-legged frog. One of the most powerful talismans for attracting money. A frog with a coin in its mouth protects its owner from unreasonable financial costs.
- water end Arovan. It is believed that this amulet brings great wealth to its owner. It is advisable to buy arow made of gilded metal.
- Tiger. Protects against people with bad intentions, envious people. The tiger figurine is especially suitable for people born in the year of the Dragon or Tiger.
- Turtle. Brings career growth and money stability. According to feng shui, the turtle statue should be placed in the northern part of the house.
Chinese money envelope
Hang Bao red Chinese envelopes are used as effective money talismans. They look elegant and can be used both as a mascot and as a monetary gift for loved ones.
Embossed gold hieroglyphs are attached on a red background. These shades help to activate the energy of wealth. When choosing an envelope, it is important to consider its characteristics:
- The property envelope is used to accumulate money. An envelope with gold banknotes should be placed in the center of the envelope until the required amount is collected.
- An envelope labeled "Prosperity" increases the flow of money. Money for daily expenses is usually kept in an envelope.
- An envelope labeled "Justice" is a great find for those who have to repay debts.
- Set of envelopes "Good luck" consists of 9 different envelopes. Envelopes are used for various purposes such as family happiness, business success and health.
- An envelope with the Fu Lu Xi logo is considered a universal envelope. These signs represent the names of three Chinese deities and symbolize luck, financial stability and health.
Mascot stones for different zodiac signs
A money talisman that suits your zodiac sign will quickly stabilize and improve your financial situation:
- For Aries, Sagittarius and Leo, amulets made of precious metals such as gold, silver and platinum are optimal. For the sign of the Fire are suitable rings made of upper metals, or items of clothing - buttons, cufflinks, pins.
- Capricorns, Taurus and Virgo are representatives of the earth element. Precious stones such as rhodonite, chrysolite and carnelian make them happy. They must wear their talismans around their necks.
- Libra, Aquarius and Gemini, as air signs, are very suitable for amulets made of crystal, moonstone, jade or conical glass. A crystal pyramid placed in the center of your room should help the representatives of these zodiacal constellations to attract wealth and happiness.
- Amulets of apatite, agate, garnet or onyx, thematically related to the element water and made of silver, will bring happiness to cancer, scorpion and fish. Suitable pendants or a pendant in the shape of a fish for women and an anchor for men.
Wax mascot
This amulet for attracting income is made of an ordinary candle. Make a mascot at night during the moon:
- The candle is placed in a vessel and lit.
- During the burnout you need to visualize positive financial changes. Information about goals and dreams during the ritual is collected with wax.
A wax figurine, a completely melted candle, will serve as an amulet. It will bring happiness and fulfill the wishes of its owner.
clay coin
Clay is one of the most suitable materials for making an amulet, because it quickly absorbs the information about the necessary symbolism. After launch, its solar energy increases even more. To make an amulet for money on a piece of clay, you can draw signs of wealth - PENTAKLE. You can simply copy the image from a modern coin schematically.
Such a mascot has a special energy and is able to improve financial condition in a short time. The advent of the presumptuous clay coin is not always a device. But this mascot is one of the most effective mascots because it is powered by its creator.
If you can't find natural clay, you can replace it with polymer or make an amulet out of puff pastry. In this case, you can paint the coin with gold acrylic paint.
Paper mascot "Cup of desires"
Required amulet:
- White paper card.
- A small bowl.
- 2 green candles.
- Holy water.
- 10 identical coins.
Draw a circle on sheets of paper in the same way that a bowl can fit. Desires and financial goals are recorded in the middle. On both sides you should place two plates with green wax candles. Place a bowl of holy water on top of the paper. The coin must then be thrown into the water. Throw one in turn, say the words:
Let the money come to my house!
Let it come and the wishes come true! ".
Then wait until the candles are completely lit. The paper is folded several times and inserted into the bag as a talisman. Carry it with you until all your wishes come true. The holy water after the ritual is poured into a pot with indoor flowers. If someone does not have them, you can sprinkle the corners of the apartment, starting from the entrance.
Amulet for money and happiness is a personal item that is accepted on an individual basis. In the production of amulets from this aircraft, a slight deviation from the rules is allowed, as the mascot must bear the imprint of the owner. It is important not to lose. Always keep the mascot with you or in a secret place where money or expensive things are kept. In this case, the amulet will be most effective.