Modern man, if anything he wants to achieve in his life, and working tirelessly 18 hours a day, leaving 6 hours adopting, eat and sleep. This abnormal! The guy not work for a living, to work, to live, to survive.
Mascots attract money

Everybody wants her, desires, and abilities are the same. But this is quite a wrong picture we often, when every desire require material costs to the country. Therefore modern man, if anything he wants to achieve in his life, and working tirelessly 18 hours a day, leaving 6 hours adopting, eat and sleep. This abnormal! The guy not work for a living, to work, to live, to survive.
Do you want to invoice cannot
Different talismans, talismans for the most effective to withdraw the money, or money do not take bills. Sect, money isn't important, but it's great to make better use, such as a banknote, attract, a large income, and 5 cents will be able to attract only a small detail. However, to each his own. Most importantly, this bill will be spent, which is kept jealously under no circumstances.
What you need to do and how to open cash invoice mascot? Buy, money, inheritance, a happy coincidence conditions, for example, her gift to you, along with a new wallet, or is there significant new revenue in his first things (first pay, first snow).
The selected banknote or coin you need to put in your wallet or purse with a separate compartment, where contact with the rest of the money can't stand, you use daily. Therefore, the task of multiplying a talisman that will put you in front and at the same time attract new resources to enrich and Increase Your Revenue.
Runic mascot
Amulets and talismans it is possible to make cash products, fehu a rune of one of the main financial issues to be responsible for receiving money and welfare. This helps in a situation that you consider what can be learned, allowing you to pass without a tangible benefit money. Fehu you pull the nose even the most talented potential revenue because of the severe financial conditions of many we'll start by following a sweet scent. Fehu also is not only help to protect to get that money. To enable it, Runic mascot, official wallet safe or to be applied on the runes.
You can also draw a rune keychain, wristband, desktop tool, for example, a laptop computer, if you have all the time you spent behind run. I could post, even a cell phone, depending on your income often talks.
Most importantly, the subject was painted with a day with you Ru, most of the time, in this case, constantly in contact with him. Applied to the image and explain why you are waiting for him to talk to rune, can help you with that and more. Just so you know, not the rune helps, crime, deception, profiteering and usury.
China mascots
Cash today's very popular mascot, feng shui. A lot of information on the internet about oriental mascots, so we just a list of them:
- A pink dress or accessories.
- Live goldfish in aquarium and clean them.
- Fountain representing water circulation, not just money, but also their life cycle.
- Three legged frog with coins in front mush.
- Sailing with the ship, the nose is the center of the room who looks.
- Money tree with coins, Jade).
- Tomoyasu was – bellied hermit bag of wisdom and wealth.
- Three Chinese coins-hole, a thick red ribbon.
Money protection rules

Money from you for not only found, but also grew and increased and at the same time save cash only mascot won't help, even with his own hands. But the rules that can help you saving money, collectively, that will make you the hero of your labor mascots and talisman, or a rich enough guy. This prohibits simple rules:
- garbage this evening;
- any window to throw;
- counting money, after the sun goes down;
- for revenge in a house or apartment, different vacuum cleaners;
- the first thing for a woman to sell traders;
- sweeps the crumbs from the table with his hand;
- borrowed in the evening;
- to clear after the sun goes down;
- to give any thing after the sun goes down the threshold in the House of a stranger;
- self cutting hair including cutting explosion, or the ends of the hair;
- day loan Sunday;
- putting gloves and hats on the table;
- sit at a table;
- to get money Foreign (to them often corruption);
- to save money, "mobile", because this should have like a bank their money to do better turnover through Wednesday;
- regret giving money;
- in order to put accumulation, money, money may not be a target.
- wallet with money bills of the armature showing a young bear or a great dignity, money, months, grow together;
- if the case is successfully completed, a room, a Subscriber Agreement or negotiations, you first a man inside;
- received the money, if granted, smaller incisions, more were taken;
- borrow money, the young moon, is defective upon return;
- to attract money and the right to the left hand;
- get money with pleasure and gladly;
- politely money.
Money bag
A small bag and collect different coin values currently in circulation.
Each coin oil, eucalyptus oil, criminal:
"Penny The Penny, the nickel, the dime,
fifty-quinquagesima this, rubles, rubles,
this Chevrolet chervonets, all the palace".
Completing reading, peeling away from prying eyes, save all the coins and oiled conspiracy of the house to the North.
Brings money home

To attract money to build a house, a piece of magnetic metal through the Aegean you need to put a magnetic powder in a pouch to store it, like a talisman. Another can inject a talisman of Great Power, gold paint, and metal shavings that covers everything that is required.
A wealth of interest
Follow the steps that help you to attract wealth. In addition, some blue leather bag, sheep, magnet into a horseshoe-shaped, stone, tourmaline, Birds Of Feather, dried herbs: mugwort herbs, saffron, cinnamon, Thistle, fennel, anise, cardamom shell pine nuts. You need this pouch for storing her mind for the wealth of a home or apartment.
Growing money
To improve their financial well-being, collect the advantages of different coins currently in the country of destination, and fold them with potting soil. Him then plant a cactus, geranium or marigold. How to grow a Chichewa will rise up, and improve your financial situation and income.
As such, attract luck and money
Type hot water to the bathroom, take a silver coin into it, then immerse themselves in water. Water, represent, and silver, such as sends and gives it to you, and good luck vibes and attract their money, and any worldly possessions.
Cash mascot
Over the entrance door, home interior door, entrance door, horseshoe nail ends up in, he founded the "full bowl". In this case, you say:
"This cup filled and my house will always be filled, prosperity and happiness."