Since ancient times, spells to help people: some back a lover or you want to improve your health, second learn, or to change their own destiny, and the third – to attract wealth. In the latter case, permission to speak, good luck and magical properties that will have to do it, he's happy.

You constantly chasing the failure of a number of, a serious dilemma could change everything. Here two outputs: the appeal of the Oracle with magical skill, or rituals can be performed independently of, and their effectiveness will be familiar with the difference, literally right.
Rules, rituals perform
It is important to remember, the result not only depends on a selected topic word or the conspiracy to compliance but at the same time, will do a ritual for a person with a specific set of rules.
Something to talk to whoever you need to know, love, luck and happiness:
- Even white magic is dangerous, so the first remedy help him, you need to think about his results. The exact opposite may appear white instead of black streaks in life, and instead of love – or absence fight, a worthy man. However, all this happens more often then errors committed during the ritual, or magical powers that people just don't believe he uses, and his for the sake of interest;
- If this does not work learn the word, pray for on a piece of paper to write them, but immediately after reading it by using the flame of the church candles to burn;
- During conducting the ritual must be closed man. Noise, jokes, laughter, and foreign presence are not allowed;
- Rituals are not recommended during pregnancy: one of the challenges a child or birth, and performs itself may fail later, my own child;
- Conspiracy to read for yourself, if not for any reason (e.g., fear), another person for help, but it's definitely impacted in the direction of conspiracy to later thank;
- 3 days ago for the procedure, it is recommended to give up alcohol and junk food. Diet should be only healthy foods: they have positive energy;
- A few days ago, a ritual to try to avoid the scandals and discussion: in the field of energy that will affect them adversely;
- The intention can't be to tell someone else to perform a ritual, nor a place for him then. Keep everything secret, or a conspiracy, it doesn't effect.
Considering the above details you can do during the ritual is completely safe and effective, and then a luck of the draw really and happiness.
It was one thing to talk like Chance?

Always of luck with all the subjects needed for such a prayer to attract prosperity read 12 times and his favorite thing to find, necessarily will affect all areas of life.
"Wore a coat like a squirrel-destruction, explosion, and so are you (am I) wish me luck, joy and happiness. Yes, it will!"
Another option of carrying the ritual itself that you will need for a simple safety pin:
- Wait, the moon will reach new moon phases;
- You're getting a needle in the middle of the night and read on:
"The moon rise again, power up and wakes him from sent directly to me. Needle me this chance to loss, nor the moon, the sky, forever a part. Heels luck after me, do me a huge favor! Amen!"
- Desirable to make such a ritual, every full moon, and then chances are you definitely never leave.
There are the third way to help you tighten and luck is on your side:
- We're doing we're getting the laces, braid her hair;
- Whether you need lace, designed for punishment, these goals pray:
"Let luck come to me, you look at me. The rush of Chance life forever, will come back to me."
Fortune take the easiest option — just to bind the rope left foot, the Criminal: "enough of Lace, and tie good luck to yourself". In spite of the ease, that does not have less magical power, the conspiracy presented above.
Preferably with conspiracy to move all of the items: they defend the role of talismans and owner ailments and problems.
Conspiracy keychain
You need such a ritual Agate, subsequently necessary to overcome your keychain or phone. What you need to do:
- We wash the stone under running water;
- When in the middle of the night, a candle light, holding hands in Agate, and again: "help me, Agate, help, protect, and get a chance";
- Stone necklace key chain that can be used as you want, most importantly, keep a continuous and frequent with you, thinking about it, her success.
Chance Rite
This is a ritual, a universal: this incentive, success, career, love, and other important aspects for every person. How it works:
- Into hotels at midnight Saturday-Sunday 3 hours in the hands of sheds, a church, a candle;
- Prayer read at a distance of Antichrist:
"Deliver, O Lord, the Antichrist vile and cunning from the beginning, come and cover me networks is a salvation for you desert him. Me, O Lord, the confession of courage and fear not the name of a saint you run a solid fortress, for the sake of evil, yes I won't deny You, savior and Redeemer, for me, Your Holy Church. But give me, Lord, I cry night and day and the tears of my sins, have pity on me, O Lord, the hour of judgment. Amen."
Fades by taking dozens of cotton fabric. All put under the pillow is applied.
Pin rituals

Since ancient times, is considered to be a talisman from the evil eye safety pins best, therefore, used. You can speak his success to do it this way:
- We take to put 3 tablespoons into a bowl. salt, rice and sugar, the opening of the needle, and Them him the hill the Barbarians;
- Leave the attributes for the whole night, no one saw them.
- In the morning the pin, throw and bury it in the ground plate of the content.
If necessary, protection, evil eye and damage, and appropriate to such a ritual:
- Pin open and we say: "the enemy's turn, remove all evil, cover me, magic and the evil eye, turn your face. Amen";
- Connection to the amulet, wear, carry, without having to remove.
A third way, good luck to take a needle you can use:
- During the Month-Day Friday and Tuesday during the growth phase buy needles and carry out ritual candles white color;
- Her flame candle and light prikazivaet pin to attract an angel whispering plot defense:
"God, An Angel Has Arrived! Keeper, protect me. A bad game preserve, wash a clean flame. Yes, it will. Amen!"
Soaked the tip of the needle red-hot when the wax hardens – fasten and dress her up.
Conspiracies, wealth and good luck
The difficult financial situation easily to correct with a coin coins, 5 cents, if you talk to her that way.
- Put money, specially designed for the left palm, and read to him it's a conspiracy:
"Money, money, wallets, purses. My red light is golden like the sun and Penny, brought the money, the joy it gave. As mentioned, made. My words are strong and solid steps. Father's name and the son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."
- A coin with the moon for a year, then the ritual again and again.
Desirable money to give it to anyone, to seize them, after the ritual in a bag in a separate pocket.
Take the gold ring, good luck
Such a ritual is considered one of the most effective, long because natural magical energy that is used as a gold attribute. Made to do her the happiness he brought a ring:
- Buy, wool yarn, place it on the table and he put her in a ring;
- Keep the candle in his right hand, and we read: "for Blue Tit-blue sea live, nest, vila her there. The ring he found and brought to me immediately. Good to go and fancy people can use. Each will open the deepest secrets to me, opened the door, will be all mine. Amen!";
- The conspiracy of keeping the secret place to try to wear a ring all the time.
Just faith magic power of chance contribute to achieve rapid results and your own rituals: in this case, the life changes will become apparent, but it may take some time.