To create a talisman can be for yourself and for another person. This item cannot be transferred to other people. Amulet brings luck only to its owner. If it is lost, stolen, donated or broken, the action of its forces stopped.
Before going into production, you should understand the difference of these magic items:
- amulet performs two functions: protects the owner from losses and brings him luck;
- an amulet is protective of human health and the housing;
- talisman is able to strengthen certain traits that allows its owner to achieve success, happiness and peace.
If you are planning to engage in the manufacture of the amulet or talisman, read with the General rules and guidelines:
- Talismans and amulets can be produced for themselves and for another person. To get someone to do for you amulet is unacceptable. Get to work people should just on their own.
- If the talisman is done to another, in the process, you need to constantly think about this person. Thoughts should be light and positive. Just putting a piece of soul in a magical item, you can make an amulet that will really work and will bring only good.
- For production it is better to choose a time when the moon is in the growth stage. This period is good for all undertakings.
- You need to work in a relaxed atmosphere. You need to be relaxed, no one and nothing should distract you.
- If you make a talisman for yourself, after the work, wrap it in a cloth and at night put it under his pillow. Due to this, the connection between the subconscious and the amulet will be established.
- That made for a mascot, it is advisable not to tell anyone. Carry it always with you and hide from prying eyes.
Adhering to these simple rules, you will be able to produce effective and works a charm.
High quality talismans that correspond to the current year. For example, in the year of the Dog prefer to make from various materials figures of dogs, and in the year of the Cock — cocks.

The materials used to create mascots
Magical objects that bring good luck and happiness and protects against evil influences, are made of different materials:
- stone;
- tree;
- metal;
- of the skin;
- tissue;
- threads;
- fur, etc.
The symbol can be drawn on paper or thick cardboard, and if you want to embroider.
When choosing the material, turn on the imagination. It is important that it was pleasant to the touch and you liked, causing only positive emotions.
Strong protective talisman of thread
Today, many can be seen on his left wrist a red thread, which serves as protection from the evil eye. The thread shall be of natural materials (most often used of wool).
First, who among the celebrities began to wear the red string on his left wrist, was Madonna. It happened after she became interested in the esoteric teachings of Kabbalah. According to the faith, to tie an amulet on the hand may be the only person that wants the good and understands the nature of the ritual.
The ancient Slavs with a red thread was tied a slightly different ritual. It is mounted on the right wrist. You can do it yourself, the main thing is to tie on a string of seven knots. This amulet is attracted to the life of its owner money and good luck.
If the security thread is torn, do not worry. According to legend, you could happen a great misfortune, but the defender took him from you.
To create a talisman can be used not only red thread, but also threads of other colors. Of them with their hands to weave a bracelet. It is important to choose the right color. When selecting plays the role of the goal you are pursuing:
- red protects against the evil eye, gives the carrier energy and vitality;
- white protects from conflicts, negative thoughts, and helps to build a harmonious relationship;
- blue is responsible for inspiration, helps to develop lateral thinking and hidden talents, so it is ideal for creative individuals;
- yellow — the color of the sun, helps to achieve happiness, improve health status, increase knowledge;
- orange makes a man attractive, sociable and confident in their abilities, helps to achieve greater heights;
- pink — color of romance and tender love; using it, you build a solid relationship in which there will be no jealousy and destructive passions;
- purple inspires and develops creativity;
- green protects from envy and conflict, improves mood;
- blue will be useful for those who want to find themselves and develop spiritual abilities;
- brown helps to develop perseverance and achieve their goals, is a symbol of hard work;
- black develops balance and calm, helps earn respect among others.
Yarn for weaving choose only natural. If the filament is thin, fold it several times. If you use only one color, the easiest method of making of a talisman will be tied to the strings of seven knots. If you use several colors, you can weave a braid or some kind of magic ornament.
Torn talisman of thread must burn. While it will burn, mentally thank him for giving protection and assistance.
Talisman of burlap
The magical thing that will protect you and family from evil spirits or evil people can be made of burlap. A popular kind of talisman this material was doll "Domovonok". The size of the product is selected as desired.

Instructions for making
- To start assembling the pouch. All seams must be good. Turn it on the front side.
- Now you need to make the hands. You can take strands or ribbons of woven braids. In a place where there should be a handle, gently make a hole and thread the resulting braid through them. Now the hands should be aligned, and secured.
- Fill the pouch can be different herbs or other filler. When the bag is full, tie it tight.
- You can start making hair. They are made from herbal of brush or twine. To attach the hair on the crown using a thermo-gun.
- Don't forget to make domovonku nose and lips and eyebrows and beard. Eyes for dolls you can buy at the store or make your own hands.
- From the dried leaves of maize will build domovoy sandals.
Don't forget to sew domovoy clothes and cap, and to save a few bags.
Magic dough with salt
Ancient Slavs did the mascots from the salt test. To make such a hack is not difficult even for a beginner:
- It is necessary to take the flour and salt in a 2:1 ratio. Adding a little water, knead elastic dough.
- Let the dough stand for a bit. Then you can mold him the amulet. Popular figures of animals, horseshoes, or angels.
- When the talisman is ready, place it on 3 hours in the oven, preheated to 70 degrees.
- Remove the product, allow it to cool for a few hours and paint with gouache.
The amulets of wood
The amulets of wood is part of the culture of the ancient Slavs. For creating magic items you can use trees of various species:
- birch is known for its healing properties, used to do shoes from its bark believing that they will help to get rid of rheumatism; when you create used not only wood but also leaves, buds, the root;
- oak has a powerful energy, amulets made from it, was placed in the cradle of newborn boys, it was believed that this will help them grow full of health and strength;
- alder helps to strengthen the power of the spirit, to get rid of negative thoughts, learn to make the right decisions; a couple of alder amulet protects from cheating;
- the hazel symbolizes fertility and promotes the multiplication of capital;
- Rowan protects from evil forces, previously it was planted near the housing, and branches with fruit hanging in the house.
For mascot, you need to choose a healthy tree.
Instructions for making this amulet:
- Mentally ask the tree for permission to take a twig. Before leaving, leave about his coin, bread or a little grain.
- Bringing home branch, leave it for a few weeks to become accustomed to your home and absorbed its energy.
- Cut from branches of the circle, on one side of which a knife or scalpel cut out the desired character.
- Make a hole through which you can thread the cord or a strong thread.
- To protect the wooden talisman from dust and dirt on its surface, apply heated wax or paint.
Unnecessary to put the symbols talismans out of wood. They work and without engraved digits.
Magic charms from beresty
From birch bark in ancient times did charm sharkunok for children, which resembles a rattle. When shaking it made a noise, something caught the kids ' attention and caused indescribable joy. Also it was given to infants during the period of teething. In the manufacture of sharkunok did not use glue.
To create a talisman is not necessary to remove the bark from a living tree, you can use berestoy of firewood.

Instructions for making:
- The material need to be warmed up, giving it elasticity.
- The bark is cut into strips, which are the two sides treated vegetable oil, beresta has become malleable.
- You need to make six equal-sized strips.
- The top and bottom sides of the strips are bent somewhere in the 1 cm that then turned the lock.
- All six parts come together.
- To toy is not broke, sharkunok need to boil in boiling water for 5 minutes. Before that, tie it with a thread, which must be removed after cooling.
- In a day when a toy-talisman dries, you need to bend one of its edges and to fill the inside of the grains.
To create the talisman you need to take berestu medium thickness. Too thin or thick bark is not suitable.
Talismans made of fur
Long leather, fur, bones, teeth and claws of animals have been used to create amulets. If the house was a piece of fur, then you can make it a beautiful amulet "Domovonok":
- Cut a small circle with a diameter of 8-10 cm smoothen the Edges.
- Inside put a small piece of foam and sew.
- In specialized stores and buy eyes and glue.
- As the nozzle use the bead.
- Optionally, you can make the tab.
- From the same fur do legs. Make the strips 1,5x4 cm.. Take the cord, inside each put a foot on one of its sides and held together with glue "Moment".
- At the top of the lace make a loop for which the talisman can be hung.
- Do feet and inches on the reverse side to Domovonok.
Mascot fur can be hung not only at home but also in the car.
Amulets made of genuine leather
Leather of different animals that are in high demand in the manufacture of amulets. It is possible to make:
- talismans to be worn on the neck;
- bracelets;
- belts;
- the vagina etc.
On the leather surface by stamping or pressing the desired character is transferred. Edges sewn neatly handled, and at the top making the hole for the strap. Such amulets look beautiful and stylish.
Porcupine quills in magic
From the needles of a porcupine also make various talismans. It is believed that they help protect against the negative actions of others, learn to enjoy life despite the hardships and troubles and become happier.
From the needles of a porcupine, you can do the following amulets:
- necklace;
- earrings;
- "Dreamcatcher".
Women were made from this natural material love amulets, wrapping the needle in the fabric and hiding under the pillow of a loved one.

Ward out of the ring
Rings serve not only as decorations for the fingers, one can make a talisman. It is better to buy a new product, on the inner side which you want to apply the decal. The phrase to engrave on the ring choose on their own.
In ancient times children were given two names: one was known to others, the second secret. The secret name of the child baptized. It helped to take a spell or a curse. Often, parents gave their children a protective ring on the inner side of which was written the second name.
Charms against death, alcoholism, prison and on the road with their hands
In life often there are unforeseen situation. So it is important to take care to protect yourself and your loved ones. Charms made with your own hands, as well as possible will cope with this task.